PPS - Auto Production Mode (APM, APM light)

There are two modes: APM and APM light


APM light

The machine is connected to the PPS system.

EVP for APM is installed at the machine.

The machine is connected to the Extended Knit Report.

This feature enables, to run production automatically without manual intervention on the machine.

The machine is equipped with the APM kit.

The APM kit provides safety switches which are to be mounted at the rear panel of the machine. The safety switches prevent starting the production when a rear panel is open.

You can also use the APM mode without the switches on the rear panel (APM light).


  • When the ticket is finished, the engaging rod remains up.
  • If a new ticket is sent onto the machine, it starts the production immediately.
  • This feature enables, to run production automatically without manual intervention on the machine.
  • If there are no further tickets available, the machine stops and the engaging rod falls down
  • If additional tickets are sent then, you must pull up the engaging rod
  • No automatic production start is possible