Knitting Specifications


Knitting program line numbers


Knitting program or Jacquard line numbers


Reserved area for SintralAuto


Carriage direction to the left


Carriage direction to the right


Carriage direction optional

S: ... ;

Knitting specification


Direct selection, I= stitch .= no selection
%= Tuck, e.g. DI.%D.I


All needles knit a stitch


All needles knit a tuck


All needles do not knit ("0=zero")

< n ->

Jacquard areas n (1-8) decrease

< n +>

Jacquard areas n (1-8) increase


Jacquard symbols for single needle selection


Symbols written after N are not selected, but all other symbols, e.g. S:A-NA;


Symbols written after the % move needles to the tuck position,
symbols written before % in the stitch position


Symbols written after the & move needles to the split stitch position


Holding-deep when transferring: symbols written after the # move needles to the receiving position


Transfer to the front, e.g. S:UVS+;


Transfer to the rear, e.g. S:U^ST;


Transfer to the rear and to the front simultaneously, e.g. S:UXST-+;
T= transfer to the rear
+ = transfer to the front

UXS n % m ;

Transferring and casting-off simultaneously, e.g. S:UXST%A-+%Y;
n= jacquard symbol, transferring
m= Jacquard symbol, cast-off
%= symbols written in front of the % move needles to the delivering position,
symbols written after the % move needles to the cast-off position,

UXS n # m ;

Transferring and holding-deep simultaneously, e.g. S:UXST#A-+;
n= jacquard symbol, transferring
m= Jacquard symbol, holding-deep
#= symbols written in front of the # move needles to the delivering position,
symbols written after the # move needles to the receiving position

$^S n % m ;

Split stitch rear, knit front
n= Jacquard symbol, split stitch rear, knit front
m= Jacquard symbol (direct selection), front stitch
%= symbols written in front of the % move needles to the split stitch position,
symbols written after the % move needles to the stitch position

$VS n % m ; Split stitch to the front, stitch to the rear

$XS n % m - n % m ; Split stitch to the front, stitch to the rear

$ n - m ;

Stitch via split curve with freely selectable racking type
Split specification with "%" or "F" not possible

$ n - m ; Stitch via split curve at the front and rear (also possible: $R-0, $A-Y)

$$ n - m ; Stitch via split curve at the front, stitch via knit curve at the rear
(also possible.$$A-Y%T)

n -$$ m ; Stitch via knit curve at the front, stitch via split curve at the rear


Separates between the systems


Separates between the front and rear systems


End of a specification sequence, always after ":";


Devoré (1 system)
Example: S:<1-><ABG>0-~A%O(5);
YPI is required for the motif thread and the binding thread

S n

Knitting and transfer system n (1-6)


Automatic system allocation


Empty Row


Switch off needle selection for this row


Deactivate needle selection for one system,
Example of deactivating S2: S1 -/)S0 S2 S3


Switch needle selection on


Only for tandem machine: Left needle selection on, right off for this row (also possible: 0-1, 0-0, 1-1)

NS n , m ¹

Individual needles miss-knit at the front and rear

NS n - m , ... ¹

Needles in the specified area miss-knit at the front and rear

NSV n , m

Individual needles miss-knit at the front

NS^ n , m

Individual needles miss-knit at the rear

NSV n - m , ... ¹

Needles in the specified area miss-knit at the front

NS^ n - m , ... ¹

Needles in the specified area miss-knit at the rear



¹ Command also possible in Direct commands window