Stitch cam settings / stitch lengths

NP n = ¹

Stitch cam position n (1-500) is set to stitch tension m, e.g. NP1=12.5
Step width: 0.1
starting with OKC: Step width: 0.05

NP x-y

Indirect specification of the stitch cam position for all systems (x= front, y= rear) x, y= 1-500, J1-J8,
e.g. NP4-4, NP4, NP-4, NPJ1-J8, NP#3-#4



Groups of NP corrections (NPGK1 - NPGK50)
Indirect NP specifications combined to groups e.g. for special areas of the pattern. (Setup2)

NPR: <<k-l>>m-n ;

Correction of the stitch cam position for the right carriage (only for tandem operation, "Clamping and cutting" function out of action)
- = separates between the front and rear systems
k,l,m,n = correction value -2.0 .. 2.0. Step width: 0.1.
starting with OKC: Step width: 0.05
>>, << = carriage direction


Indirect specification of stitch tension (n, m = 1-500, J1-J8)


Direct specification of the stitch tension


Jacquard controlled stitch cam position n (1-8). Symbol "." must always be specified.
Specification with "=": The tension change is equally distributed among both tension ranges.
e.g. NPJ1:.=11.0 A=13.0 Y=12.2;
Specification with "!": The area indicated with "!" remains unchanged.
The stitch tension change is carried out in the adjacent area.
e.g. NPJ1:.=11.0 A!13.0 Y=12.2;
Areas with "!" may not be adjacent in the fabric. Tension assignment for a maximum of 35 Jacquard symbols


Knitting specification with stitch tension setting according to NPJ1 front and NPJ2 rear


Pattern arrangement for stitch cam positions


Pattern arrangement for stitch cam positions with NPJ. Different stitch tensions can be specified on the left and right fabric selvedges


Pattern pack on the machine/stitch cam positions

¹ Command also possible in Direct commands window