Operating Settings

In this menu, you set up:


Carriage speed with specific knitting situations:

  • Reduced Speed (reduction of normal speed)
  • Speed outside of the knitting area
  • Slow course after a stop
  • Course with open cover


Correct stitch cams

NPK Values


CMS 830 S

Correct stitch cams

NPK Values

အမ်ိဳးမ်ိဳး အေထြေထြ

  • Switch off Light Automatically
  • Determine whether the logging file should contain the knitting program
  • Switch on Horn
  • Set the counting method of the run-throughs
  • Delayed Switch-off in Case of Power Failure
  • Switch on technical view
  • Relieve the fabric when switching off (machine with main take-down)
  • Relieve the fabric with stop motion (machine with belt take-down)
  • Order Menu
  • Load Individual Program Elements


Determine the operating mode of the inputs/outputs

Inputs and outputs