Pattern Examples for Border Processing

Pattern template

When creating the pattern, make sure that the area of the selective weft inlay at the edge does not end with the knitting yarn carrier (example: yarn color # 31) The weft yarn will not be enclosed.

Example with extreme widenings


Border Processing 'Weft Yarn at Color Field Border'


Border processing depends on the carriage direction

Result after expanding

  • with ‚swiveled yarn carrier or with ‚unswiveled yarn carrier


Regarding the previous knitting course, this knitting row is extremely widened, i.e. the weft yarn guide (red) is only floated and not held by transferring (enclosed).

: With too long floatings, this may lead to stop motions by the yarn tensioner and the weft yarn presser foot may miss the weft yarn.


Enclosing the weft yarn by transfer of the front stitch.


The last needle have to enclose the weft yarn by transfer at the edge of area with selective weft inlay.

Result after technical processing

  • with 'swiveled' yarn carrier


The 'superfluous' floats are cut down to one needle.


  • The last stitch of the previous knitting row (yarn color #31) of the knitting yarn carrier will be replaced by the Float needle action.
    : Reason: With it, the knitting yarn carrier can pass by the 'swiveled' weft yarn carrier more easily.
  • If a re-transferring (enclosing) is present in the following knitting row, it will be removed.
    : Will be done in the previous knitting row.


  • with 'unswiveled‘ yarn carrier.


The 'superfluous' floats are cut down to one needle.


  • If a re-transferring (enclosing) is present in the following knitting row, it will be removed.
    : Transferring (enclosing) will be done in the previous knitting row.
  • Moving the yarn carriers will be entered if necessary.