ကိုယ္တိုင္ ေခ်ာဆီထည့္ျခင္း |
This button is active if the machine is equipped with central lubrication. Switch on or off the central lubrication. |
Active button = The central lubrication is switched off. If the central lubrication is switched off you must lubricate the needle bed and jack bed manually. | |
Inactive button = The central lubrication is switched on. |
ေခ်ာဆီ မထည့္မီ စနစ္၏ ထိုးခ်က္မ်ား |
စနစ္က သတ္မွတ္သည့္ ထိုးခ်က္ အေရအတြက္သို႔ ေရာက္ၿပီးေနာက္ လည္ပတ္မႈကို ရပ္လိုက္သည္ |
Active button = The machine stops after reaching the system run-throughs. |
Check the oil collection tank |
ကိုယ္တိုင္ ေခ်ာဆီထည့္ျခင္း |
Active button = The central lubrication is switched off. If the central lubrication is switched off you must lubricate the needle bed and jack bed manually. |
Inactive button = The central lubrication is switched on. |
အလယ္ပိုင္း ေခ်ာဆီထိုးစနစ္ |
Switch on or off the central lubrication. If the central lubrication is switched off you must lubricate the needle bed and jack bed manually. | |
If you tap on the icon , you can select one of the following options:
| ||
ကနဦး ေခ်ာဆီထိုးျခင္း |
This setting is used for the initial lubrication of a new machine at the Stoll factory. The values cannot be modified. Select this setting for approx. 15 minutes:
| |
STOLL သတ္မွတ္ခ်က္မ်ား |
This setting can be used for production. The values cannot be modified. | |
သံုးစြဲသူ ဆက္တင္မ်ား |
The following buttons are activated, the values can be modified:
သတ္မွတ္အခ်ိန္ေက်ာ္လွ်င္ သိုးေမြးထိုးသည့္ ေနရာကို ေခ်ာဆီထည့္ရန္ စနစ္၏ ထိုးခ်က္မ်ား |
Set the quantity of system run-throughs until the next oil lubrication is required (n=1-65535). |
ၿပီးေနာက္ အပ္မ်က္ႏွာျပင္ တစ္ခုလံုးကို ေခ်ာဆီထိုးပါ ေခ်ာဆီထည့္သည့္ လုပ္ငန္းစဥ္မ်ား |
Setting of the number of lubrication procedures after which the entire needle bed is to be lubricated. |
ေခ်ာဆီ မထည့္မီ စနစ္၏ ထိုးခ်က္မ်ား |
Displays the quantity of the remaining system run-throughs until the next oiling of the needle bed. |
သတ္မွတ္အခ်ိန္ေက်ာ္လွ်င္ သိုးေမြးထိုးသည့္ ေနရာကို ေခ်ာဆီထည့္ရန္ စနစ္၏ ထိုးခ်က္မ်ား |
Set the quantity of system run-throughs until the next oil lubrication is required (n=1-65535). |
စနစ္က သတ္မွတ္သည့္ ထိုးခ်က္ အေရအတြက္သို႔ ေရာက္ၿပီးေနာက္ လည္ပတ္မႈကို ရပ္လိုက္သည္ |
Active button = The machine stops after reaching the system run-throughs. |
ေခ်ာဆီ မထည့္မီ စနစ္၏ ထိုးခ်က္မ်ား |
Displays the quantity of the remaining system run-throughs until the next oiling of the needle bed. |