What was new in EKC V 1.4?
Release: 01/2019
Dalsze informacje
- Introduction of series production of new machine types
- Speciyfikacja "MSECK" - Prędkość głowicy przy małych zgrubieniach
- Nowa komenda "Y-RALL(n)" - Nie otwieraj zacisku wodzika
- Apply Shape Counter
- Set the counting method of the run-throughs
- Saving the Master Setup file only
- Stop the machine when the set number of run-through has been reached
- No optimal production - The cause is displayed
- Setup Editor – Save modified values together
- Cleaning the touch screen
- The position of the "Needle selection" button was modified
- Roles and Rights - copy permissions
- Edit Pattern - Find and Replace
- ADF - List of the vertical corrections of the yarn carriers
- PPS – Send message