Modify the Setup file of a non active position (knitting program)
Starting situation:
The order consists of several positions (knitting programs). Every position has its own, separate Setup file (.setx). This means: No Master Setup will be used.

The production was started - the first position is knitted (1).

A modification should be carried out in a non active, so waiting, Setup file during the production.
- 1
- Select the non active position (2).
(Ustawienie zamówienia ->
Edycja zamówienia)
- 2
- Tap the button
(3) of the non active position.
- The Pattern Preview will be opened.
- 3
- Tap the tab
- 4
- The Setup Editor appears.
- 5
- Execute the modification and confirm entries with
- Close the Setup editor, for this, tap the button
If the whole order is finished and you tap on the button
Wyjście z trybu produkcja, you will get asked if the modification should be saved.