Setup file

Setup Editor

Setup Editor



  • WMF
  • WBF
  • W+F
  • WM% / WMK%

Yarn Carriers

  • YD / YDI: Yarn Carrier Staggering
  • YC / YCI: Corrections of yarn carriers
  • Y:Oa-b: Correction value for right carriage
  • Y:Ua-b: Engaging width of yarn carrier sliding block

Stitch Length

  • NPK: Stitch cam correction for all stitch cams
  • NPn: used stitch cam position
  • NPR: Correction for stitch cam position of the right carriage


  • MSEC0: Standard S0
  • MSECI: with intarsia yarn carriers
  • MSECK: Small knot
  • MSECC: Take yarn carrier out of clamp / Bring yarn carrier into clamp
  • MSEC1: with transfer rows
  • MSEC2-20: with knitting rows

Cycle Counters

  • List of the used cycle counters: RSn (n=1 to 39)

Yarn length
(display only with connected ASCON)

  • Basic Settings
  • Correction Values
  • Yarn Data
  • NP (Knitting Mode) / Wheel


  • VCI: Racking function
  • Direction: Racking direction of the correction
  • VK: Racking Correction
  • VV: Racking speed
  • V+/-: Overracking
  • Comment


  • Counter of the machine
  • Machine Data
  • Comment