Adjusting racking position correction VPK

The fine adjustment of the transfer racking is carried out by means of the VPK value. With the program point Popraw pozycję przesuwu łoża the rear needle bed is aligned exactly relative to the front needle bed.
The VPK value always remains saved, even if the operating system is imported again.

Difference between "Racking position correction VPK" and "Racking correction"


Racking position correction

The VPK value changes the position of rear needle bed - a change has effect on all racking positions.


Racking Correction

If you want to correct a specific racking position in the pattern, open the Setup Editor and carry out a racking correction there (Setup Editor -> Przesuw łoża menu).

Adjusting VPK:

    Stop the carriage in a transfer row.
    -  or  -
    Program an empty row with transfer racking, see Helpful knitting rows.
    Push up two opposing needles in the center of the needle bed.
    Check whether the needle hook of the front needle dips into the pelerine spring of the rear needle.

Transfer position
Transfer position


Wrong: Needle hook hits the needle shaft


Wrong: Needle hook hits the pelerine spring


Correct: Needle hook hits exactly the intermediate space "Needle shaft - Pelerine spring"

Depending on the area of application of the machine, the transfer position may need to be corrected towards "Needle shaft" (position A).

    If this is not the case: Push back needles and correct racking device.
    Call up the Popraw pozycję przesuwu łoża window.
    Konfiguracja maszyny -> Dane maszynowe -> Przesuw łoża -> Popraw pozycję przesuwu łoża.
  1. 6
    Enter the desired value with the arrow keys.


Correction to the left (1 step = 0.18 – 0.25 mm, according to the machine gauge)


Correction to the right (1 step = 0.18 – 0.25 mm, according to the machine gauge)

    Confirm input.
  1. The needle bed moves lightly to the left or right.
  2. 8
    Repeat the steps 2 to 7 until the needle hook from the front needle pierces into the pelerine spring of the rear needle.
    The VPK value is automatically saved in the data specific to the machine (dongle data).
  1. The setting process is complete.

If you want, you can save VPK value additionally:
Konfiguracja maszyny -> Ustawienia systemu -> Transfer danych -> Wybierz typ danych -> Dane maszynowe