Jacquard twill

Fabric View


  • Double jersey fabric / double-bed fabric
  • Appropriate jacquard back for reducing the stitch ratio when using many colors.


2 colour jacquard twill

2 colors must be knitted one after the other to get a complete jacquard row (= picture row). The first color is knitted on every 2nd needle and the second color shifted on the jacquard back.
The stitch ratio between the front and the rear needle bed with a 2 color jacquard twill is 1: 1.

3 colour jacquard twill

4 color jacquard twill

4 colors must be knitted one after the other to get a complete jacquard row (= picture row).
The stitch ratio between the front and the rear needle bed with a 4 color jacquard twill is 1: 2.