Philosophy of the user interface

Task oriented structure

The variety of work steps of a production are grouped to four domains:

  • Set up Order
  • Produce Order
  • Maintain Machine
  • Configure Machine
  • View Data

Each area is assigned to a specific user group and protected by password to the other user groups

User oriented structure

The tasks of the different users were combined to four user groups with defined user rights:

  1. Operator (knitter)
  2. Maintenance (maintenance personnel)
  3. Senior Operator (technician, foreman) - having most of rights
  4. STOLL Service (STOLL service technician)

Area for the knitter (operator) only

The knitter (operator) gets his own area strictly focused on his activity Produce Order.
The training period for this area is short.

: All the other areas are locked for him.
They are protected by a password (default setting). This way the operator cannot perform unintentional changes or error operations in the other areas.

Guided remedy of a production interruption

The remedy of the most common production interruptions (as for example yarn breakage, fabric take-down, etc.) is supported by special dialogs to remedy the error as fast as possible.

Intuitive Operation

Fast recognition of the function of a button by icon and an explanatory text.

: Most of the buttons come with bubble help - an additional help text, which informs about the function of the button.


An order is created for the production:

  • By one knitting program
    - or -
  • By several knitting programs

: The previous order menu and sequence menu are no longer required.