Greasing the Linear Guiding
If the lubricating interval for the linear guiding has elapsed, a pictograph appears indicating that the linear guidance has to be greased.

Linear Guiding of the Carriage
Linear Guiding of the Carriage | |
| Display of time (by hours) since last lubrication process. |
| Display of traveled distance (by kilometers) since last lubrication process. |
| Display of the previous operating time of the carriage (operating hours counter) |
| Display of the traveled distance of the carriage (kilometer counter) |
| Click this button only if the greasing process actually was performed. In case of insufficient grease, there is the risk of damaging the linear guiding. An irreversible damage of the linear guiding is possible! |

An irreversible damage of the linear guiding is possible!
In case of insufficient grease, there is the risk of damaging the linear guiding.
In case of too much grease or too high pressure, there is the risk of damaging the linear guiding.
- If the icon is displayed, the linear guiding must be greased immediately.
- Press in only 1ml of grease per nipple under moderate pressure.
Engraxar a guia linear:
- Utilize uma pistola de lubrificação com uma mangueira flexível para poder atingir mais facilmente o ponto de lubrificação.
- 1
- Retirar o revestimento (1) do carro.
- 2
- Engraxar o niple de lubrificação (2) com uma pistola de lubrificação.
- 3
- Quantidade de graxa por niple de lubrificação: cerca de 3 - 4 cm3 = Ativar a alavanca manual três vezes.
- 4
- Repetir este processo no carro posterior.