Report (table)

The following data is displayed in the table:


Data shown

SIN Durata de funcţionare a sistemului

Working time of the control unit (SINTRAL)

RUN Timpul de producţie

Time of Production

V=V Bara de comandă

Stop by stopping at the engaging rod

/-\ Alimentare fir

Stop by yarn control device, yarn feed

000 Contor de bucăţi

Stop by piece counter

>! Sistemul de oprire la rezistenţă

Stop by stop resistance

-/) Palpatorul de poziție a acelor

Stop by position needle sensor

% Tragere a tricotului

Stop by fabric take-down

PR Programare

Stop by programming

MS~ Oprire maşină

Machine stop (further causes of the stoppage)

->/ Sistemul de oprire la şoc

Stop by shock stop motion

V[ ] Eroare de deplasare laterală

Stop by racking error

#<> Total curse

Total number of strokes

#ML Curse cu viteză redusă

Number of strokes at reduced speed

ST Numărul de panouri produse

Number of produced fabric pieces