Optimized yarn carrier home position YDopt


If YDopt is used when programming, the distances between the yarn carriers and the fabric selvedge are automatically optimized.

Especially appropriate for patterns with a high use of yarn carriers, for ex. stripe patterns.

Functioning principle:


Parking area for the yarn carriers that are knitting in the pattern row

: The yarn carriers are positioned staggered


Parking position (waiting area) for the momentarily non knitting yarn carriers

: The yarn carriers are positioned staggered

    The yarn carriers are positioned staggered with a wide distance (parking position) in relation to the fabric selvedge.
    The required yarn carriers are taken out of the parking position and start knitting.
    While knitting, the active yarn carrier receives a new parking position and will be positioned much closer to the fabric selvedge.
    The parking position is optimized (YDopt).
    After the last knitting row, the active yarn carrier is returned to the parking position.
    The following, knitting yarn carrier is taken out of the parking position and also positioned at the fabric selvedge with YDopt.

YDopt in Setup




Display of the tables used for staggering of the yarn carriers at the fabric selvedge

  • YD: Default table for yarn carrier staggering
  • YDIn: further indirect yarn carrier staggering of YDI1 - YDI20


Expanded table

Collapsed table


Numbering of the yarn carrier rails / yarn carrier number (YDn)

  • CMS MC with 8 yarn carrier rails: Track 1- 8 (YD1 – YD8)
  • ADF MC with 16 yarn carrier rails: Track 1 – 16 (YD1 – YD16)

at the left...

Distance of yarn carrier from the left outer fabric selvedge

Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 160
Step width:
0.5=1/32 inch=0.8 mm

at the right...

Distance of yarn carrier from the right outer fabric selvedge



With YDopt, the corresponding YD values of the yarn carriers may not be changed.