Light Curtain

Perdea luminoasă

Opens the Testare perdelei luminoase dialog box in order to check the correct orientation of the photoelectric sensors to each other.

Start the automatic check on EKC:

Both the elements at the left and right hand side of the machine must be aligned exactly to each other.

  1. All covers are closed.
    Întreținerea mașinii -> Service -> Perdea luminoasă
  1. Testare perdelei luminoase appears.
  2. 2
    Tap the Restart Light Curtain key.
  1. The light curtain signalizes the alignment quality by the blue LEDs (1 to 5).
  • If all 5 LEDs are glowing, the alignment is optimal.
  • If 3 LEDs are glowing, the alignment is sufficient.
  • If no LED is glowing the alignment is bad.
    -> Re-align the light curtain!

When the check is completed successfully, the LEDs will go out.
No message appears at the touch screen.