Thread up the Yarn Carriers after Yarn Breakage

Danger by moving carriage
Danger of crushing and cutting by the carriage.
With production: Thread up yarn carriers after yarn breakage.
- 1
- Open covers.
- 2
- Thread up the yarn through the yarn guide star and yarn carrier head.
- 3
- Lay-in the thread in the needle head using a knitting hook.
- 4
- Lead the yarn end opposed to the carriage direction.
- 5
- Hold the yarn end outside the danger zone(carriage)
- 6
- Pull the engaging rod to position 2 (reduced speed) keeping the carriage in view.
- The carriage moves with reduced speed, if a slower speed was set under
Speed with Covers Open [MSECCO] and if the
button is activated.

- 7
- Release the engaging rod when the thread is fixed in the fabric and the position is accessible.
- 8
- Cut-off the yarn end.
- 9
- Close the covers and continue production.