
Tragerea principală: Numărul maxim de rânduri fără rotație

Monitoring of main take-down.
If the take-down has not been used after n (0-100) knitting rows, the machine will stop.

Tragere principală: Turația maximă la un rând tricotat

Rotation speed monitoring of main take-down.
If the main take-down turns too fast, then the machine will stop.

Tragere auxiliară: Numărul maxim de rânduri tricotate fără rotație

Monitoring of auxiliary take-down.
If the auxiliary take-down has not been used after n (0-100) knitting rows, the machine will stop.

Pieptene: Numărul maxim de rânduri tricotate fără mișcarea pieptenului

Monitoring of comb.
If the comb has not moved after n (0-100) knitting rows, the machine will stop.

Bariera fotoelectrică a pieptenului activă

Activate or deactivate light barrier of comb. (Standard: active)

The comb light barrier checks whether a yarn, yarn residues or fabric residues are located on the comb hook.

Senzor tricot activ

Activate or deactivate the fabric sensors.
The fabric sensors (1) scan the fabric between the needle bed and the fabric take-down. They can be moved as desired over the entire working width.

When the fabric is ejected, the fabric sensor swivels downward and the knitting machine stops.