
Stabilirea codului PIN

Each user group authorizes itself with a special PIN number for working at the machine.

These user groups need a PIN number:

  • Întreținere
  • Operator superior
  • STOLL Service

The user group Operator doesn't need any PIN number.

Set PINs

Configurare autorizații

Establish, which actions can be performed by a user group at the machine and which cannot.

The specification can be made for a complete window or for individual controls within one window.

Set Permissions

Copying Permissions

Setarea drepturilor de acces

  • Specify, which user group may use the remote desktop connection.
    This function is only available with EKC ki machines and BMS machines.
  • Determine whether the password protected menus and sub-menus are to be hidden for the Operator.
  • Setați dacă tasta "NPGK =>NP" din editorul Setup (lungimea ochiului) trebuie să fie afișată.

Select Remote Desktop Connection RDP or VNC

Hide all blocked menus

Setup Editor - Hide the "NPGK -> NP" key

Stabilirea programului schimburilor

  • Enter times of beginning and ending of each shift.
  • Activate the automatic shift change

Set Shift Plan