The main take-down turns more slowly while the fabric is delivered

Machine with main take-down and comb

Machine with belt take-down

With some patterns the problem occurs that the fabric tears when the fabric is delivered from the comb to the main take-down. The reason is that the main take-down turns too fast and pulls too much on the fabric.
This problem occurs especially with high machine gauges, fine yarns and very narrow fabrics.

The previous "=^(n)=" command is extended with a speed specification (m) "=^(n,m)=".
The value (m) reduces the speed of the main take-down during the delivery of the fabric to the set percent value (50 to 100%).

Example =^(25,75)=
The delivering position (comb-main take-down) will be set to 25 mm lower.
The speed of the main take-down is reduced to 75% during the delivery of the fabric.