Start Production

Start production:

  1. You are signed in as Senior Operator .
    In the main navigation bar select the main area Set up Order.
    Tap on Edit order in the bottom navigation bar.
  1. The window is displayed.


Button for starting the production with the line number specified under ((3)).

: No TP is carried out automatically.


Display of the Sintral line number, at which the knitting program will be started.


    If necessary, specify the desired line number for the production start under ((3)).
    Press the Start production button:
  1. Production will get started without executing TP (Test Program).

Execute Test Program (TP) on the machine:

  1. You are signed in as Senior Operator .
  2. A knitting program is loaded.
  3. Set up Order main area is selected in the main navigation bar.
    Tap on Edit Pattern in the bottom navigation bar.
    Open the Test tab then.
    Tap the Start Test [TP] button.
  1. The knitting ability of the knitting program will be checked.
  2. 4
    If TP ok, you can directly start the production by the Start production button.