Upgrade OKC6 or EKC1 to EKC2

Operations at a glance


Copy the current EKC operating system to an USB memory stick, V_EKC_002.000.000_STOLL (or higher)


Save the OKC machine data

Save the EKC machine data


Replace cables (Display - Control cabinet)

Replace electronic card


Load machine data

Install EKC operating system

Save the OKC machine data

Preliminary Remarks:

Saving the OKC machine data:

  1. The current EKC operating system is located on the USB memory stick.
    Insert this USB memory stick into the USB socket on the display.
    Call up Copy service data window.
    (Path: Service -> Copying service data)

    Select the drive F (USB memory stick).
    Tap on the key Copy Logfiles.
  1. The data will be copied on the USB memory stick.
  2. 5
    If the knitting machine is connected, then note the settings in the "Local Area Network" field.
    (Path: Service --> Diagnostics --> System Info)

Note about the various report data!

Only the entire report is saved.
The specific data for a period of time and for the individual shifts are lost.

Save the EKC machine data

Preliminary Remarks:

Saving the EKC machine data:

  1. The current EKC operating system is located on the USB memory stick.
    Insert this USB memory stick into the USB socket on the display.
    Call up the Logfile window.
    Обслужить машину -> Сервис -> Logfile

    Select the drive F (USB memory stick).
    Tap on the button Экспортировать Logfile (Актуальная программа вязания в нем содержится).
    Экспортировать Logfile (Актуальная программа вязания в нем содержится)
  1. The data will be copied on the USB memory stick.
  2. 5
    If the knitting machine is connected, note down the settings.
    You will find the values in the Основные установки menu.
    Просмотреть данные -> Системная информация -> Общее.

Note about the various report data!

Only the entire report is saved.
The specific data for a period of time and for the individual shifts are lost.