Threading up the yarn control unit

I. Yarn control unit (FKE):


Thread break control


Yarn brake disc


Knot detector for large knots




Knot detector for small knots



II. Tasks of the yarn control unit:

İplik kontrol donanımının elemanları spesifik olarak işlenecek ipliğe ayarlanabilir.

  1. The yarn break control (1) monitors the yarn ends and switches off the machine in case of a yarn breakage or end.
  2. In the case of large knots in the yarn, the knot detector switches off the knitting machine.

Hata göstergesi

Hatalar ışık diyodu (5), sinyal lambası ve ekran aracılığıyla gösterilir.

  1. In the case of small knots in the yarn, the machine knits a programmed number of rows at reduced speed.
  2. The yarn brake disc (4) regulates the yarn tension and prevents the thread from hanging through while knitting.

III. Threading up the FKE:

    Bring thread break control in work position.
    Pull thread break control a little towards left till it is not held by the stopping cam anymore.
  1. 2
    Thread each thread through a yarn control device as shown in the picture.