Weave-in Device

The weft yarn presser foot (1) supports the inlay of the weft yarn:

Weave-in device with an ADF machine
Weave-in device with an ADF machine


Weave-in device in operation


Weave-in device out of operation

The movement of weave-in device is carried out with a step motor.

What is a weft yarn like?

An weft yarn is inserted toward the stitch rows but not knitted.

The insertion of the weft yarn is carried out by the weft yarn carrier. This yarn carrier runs thus so far ahead before the knitting system that the yarn is only inserted but does not knit any stitch or tuck.
The weave-in device presses the thread downwards between the needle beds.
The weft yarn is enclosed in the following system, it is tied in the fabric with stitches or with transfers.

Schematic representation of the weft yarn technique (ADF machine)
Schematic representation of the weft yarn technique (ADF machine)

You can use the weft yarn technique with the following machines:


Normal yarn carrier


Normal yarn carrier

Qw and Qt types of Weft Yarn Carriers

What is a weft yarn used for?