Control units

CL= n ¹

Number of courses n (1-9999) until the next cleaning course.
The cleaning course is executed over the whole needle bed (also possible: CLn)

CL= n < ¹

Number of courses n (1-9999) until the next cleaning course.
The cleaning course is only carried out toward the left up to the needle bed end (also possible: CLn<)

AS=1 ¹

Switch on suction device (also possible: AS1)

AS=0 ¹

Switch off suction device (also possible: AS0)

AS=2 ¹

Switch on suction and blowing device (only on CMS 330 TC 4 up to component type 008) (also possible: AS2)

AST=x,y,z ¹

Periodic switch on and off of the suction device.
x = Number of courses without suction (1 course = 2 rows)
y = Number of courses with suction
z = (optional) long stroke of carriage over the entire needle bed (on: z = 1, off: z = 0)

LK1 ¹

Comb light barrier, control on
Not for BMS!

LK0 ¹

Comb light barrier, control off
Not for BMS!

LW1 ¹

Comb light barrier, control on
BMS only after CKC 1.4!

LW0 ¹

Comb light barrier, control off
BMS only after CKC 1.4!


Switch both feed wheels (left and right) on (n = 1) or off (n = 0) (caution - direct command FO n)

SFO n - m

Switch left and right feed wheels on or off separately
(n, m = 0, 1) (attention - direct command FO n-m)

LI n ¹

Switch lighting on/off (1= on, 0= off) (also possible: LI=n)

LI^ n ¹

Setting the horn volume (n=0-3)
1= low, 3= high, 0= off


starting with OKC: switch on/off device 1 (on: n=1, off: n=0) (adapter ident. number. 253291 necessary.)


starting with OKC: switch on/off device 2 (on: n=1, off: n=0) (adapter ident. number. 253291 necessary.)

¹ Command also possible in Direct commands window