Set Loading Options

Here you determine what is to be done with the previous data:


Loading Options for All Positions:

Here you determine what is to be done with the data of the previous order.


Delete all data of the previous order.


Delete the yarn carrier positions of the previous pattern.

  • SP1

This function is only available if the order consists of one knitting program.

After loading the order, the production will be started automatically (default).
You do not have to tap the Khởi động sản xuất button any longer.

Starting the Knitting Program Automatically after Loading the Order


This function is only available, if the order consists of two or more positions (knitting programs).

Delete yarn carrier home position after each position of the order (knitting program).


If a YLC device is used for the yarn length control.

Delete YLC correction values of the previous order (Làm việc với mm mode).


Delete machine specific NP corrections (MC-NPK and MC-NPGK) of the previous order

Sử dụng Master Setup:

Select whether a Master Setup should be used.

The button is divided into two areas:


Select the path (storage location) of the desired Master Setup. Tap the (A) button for this.


Activate or deactivate Use Master Setup.
Activate: For this tap on the button (B). It is highlighted in color.

Select, whether the shape counters are to be applied.

In case of a pattern change the values of the shape counters of the previous pattern are applied.

Use this function only is effective with the following machines:

  • Machine without comb take-down
  • Machine with comb take-down but without use of comb

Apply Shape Counter


Loading Options for Individual Positions

For each position (knitting program), here you see which program sections are contained in it:

  • Sintral program (*.sin)
  • Jacquard program (*.jac)
  • Setup file (*.setx)

You can individually switch on or off these program sections.

The program section (.sin, .jac, .setx) is switched on (active), i.e. it is used for the production (default setting).

The program section (.sin, .jac, .setx) is switched off (inactive), i.e. it is not used for the production.

If you use a Master Setup, it is marked in the SET column with this sign.

Trở lại

Return to the previous program step.

Tiếp tục

Proceed to the next program step

Hủy bỏ

Cancel process and return to previous window.


Confirm input and return to previous window.

The loading options are displayed while production is running