Cancel Production and Start Order Again

Cancel production:

    Stop the carriage.
    Open the Can thiệp thủ công I menu.
    Sản xuất đơn hàng -> Can thiệp thủ công I
    Tap the button Hủy bỏ sản xuất.
    Hủy bỏ sản xuất.
  1. The following prompt appears: Bạn có muốn thoát đơn hàng hiện tại?
  2. 4
    Reply the prompt with Dạ.
    Pull up the engaging rod.
  3. The carriage starts moving and knits the current knitting row.
  1. Starting with its next return, the carriage moves back and forth without knitting (empty row).

Start Order again:

    Stop the carriage.
    Open the Chỉnh sửa đơn hàng menu.
    Cài đặt đơn hàng -> Chỉnh sửa đơn hàng
  1. 3
    Verify the specifications for the piece number and the number of run-throughs.
    Tap the button (1).
    Pull up the engaging rod.
  1. The order is being produced.


Depending on whether the order consists of one or more knitting programs, you have different possibilities to continue the production:

Order with one knitting program

Continue production

Order with several knitting programs

Restart production

Continue production

The production progress of the previous order is deleted only if you start a new order.