Monitor Production

Production data of the current position (knitting program)


Remaining running time


Total running time


Display of the production progress for the current position

Hoàn thành vào

Displays date and time for the completion of this position (knitting program)

Vật dệt của vị trí {0}

Displays the following information:

  • Quantity of the completed fabrics for this position (knitting program)
  • Total piece quantity for this position
  • + = Quantity of the fabrics to be re-knitted

Tap here to re-knit fabrics.



Displays the following information:

  • Carriage Speed (m/s)
  • Carriage direction (to the left or right)

Tap here to change the carriage speed.

In the Can thiệp thủ công I menu you will find further possible settings:

  • Reduced Speed
  • Extended Stroke

Bộ đếm Chu kỳ

Displays the active cycle counters and their values.

Tap here to change the values.

Dịch chuyển

Displays the current racking position.

Kéo căng

Displays the current fabric take-down value.

Tap here to modify the fabric take-down value.

Kéo căng phụ

Displays the current speed of the auxiliary take-down.

Tap here to modify the speed of the auxiliary take-down.

Mũi khâu Chiều dài

Tap here to change the stitch length.

Thiết bị dẫn sợi

Tap here to receive information about the yarn carriers.

  • Switch on or off yarn carrier plunger.
  • Enter the braking values for the yarn carriers.

Prepare Machine

Điều khiển Chiều Dài Sợi

Displays the current mode of the yarn length measuring device (YLC).

Tap here to get information about the yarn length control, and to modify the mode.

Gởi tin nhắn

Opens the dialog box to send a message to the Senior Operator or the maintenance staff.

PPS – Send message