Stoll tags
Only the Stoll tags of the StollTicket name area as specified in the StollTicket.xsd schema can be used.
(see D:\PPS\SampleTickets)
Most of the tags are optional.
Only the tags listed as mandatory in the following table must be specified in an order
The following Stoll tags can be used:
Tag designation | Explanation | |||
STOLL:TICKET_LIST | Groups the tag STOLL:TICKET and must be specified. | |||
| STOLL:TICKET | Contains the following groups:
The Version attribute must be set on a version number (double value). This number can be evaluated in the style file to perform different representations with only one style file or to respond to new tags. This tag must be specified. | ||
| STOLL:PRODUCTION_INFO | Group with data that is required for the production. This group must be specified in the order. All of the following tags belong to this group, however, but due to lack of space they are not indented in this document. | ||
STOLL:TICKET_TYPE | Type of the ticket:
This tag must be specified with each order. | |||
STOLL:TOTAL_NUM_OF_EXECUTIONS | Total number of the order already produced. In case of knitting orders, this tag displays the number of pieces or sequences that are to be knitted. In a ticket this value is maintained unchanged but the PPS adds another STOLL:PPS_INFO tag group, which contains among others the STOLL:NUM_OF_EXECUTIONS tag. The machine uses this tag to determine how many is to be produced. If a STOLL:MACHINE_LIST was mentioned and the Pieces attribute was specified, the number of executions is retrieved from here. With non knitting orders, the specification greater than >1 can be used to distribute the order on several machines. A non knitting ticket with an assignment greater than >1 will be executed even though. With sequences, the attribute PLUS_SQELEM can be used additionally to produce incomplete sequences, (for example to produce missing pieces afterwards). The sequence elements are allocated according to the specified sorting. The elements are specified separating them by a semicolon. 0;5;0 would produce 5 additional pieces of the second sequence element. This tag must be specified with each order. | |||
STOLL:ESTIMATED_ORDER_DURATION | Specifies in minutes how long an execution takes. This time is required for the creation of the timeline, for estimating the machine occupation as well as the end of the production. The more accurate the specification is, the better can be the planning. | |||
STOLL:PRODUCTION_EFFICIENCY | Efficiency value in %, which is multiplied by the efficiency specification from the company calendar to obtain the total efficiency. This value prolongs the timeline and allows considering an individual efficiency in the ticket. E.g. if the piece to produce has to deal with more complexity and more interruptions during the production. | |||
STOLL:EARLIEST_EXECUTION_DATE | Earliest moment for starting the production. The value simplifies the scheduling, but it does not avoid an earlier start of the production an the machine. The specification must be in compliance with ISO8601 (Example: 2016-06-09T14:47:00) | |||
STOLL:DEADLINE_EXECUTION_DATE | Establishes the moment, when the execution must be finished. If the value was defined, an alarm can be generated if a deviation can be anticipated before it occurs. This way there is time for reacting. The time specification must be in compliance with ISO8601. | |||
STOLL:CUSTOMER_ID | An ID that indicates the orderer. This ID is also stored in the database and allows filtering regarding the orderer. In the scheduling it is also possible to filter by this string. | |||
STOLL:PRODUCTION_ID | A freely assignable ID, which is also stored in the SKR when executing the order. This ID is suitable for selectively creating reports. This way, it will be easier to create pattern names and less numbers must be included. | |||
STOLL:PRODUCTION_SUB1_ID | With this ID you can further sub-classify your order. If you do not knit sequences but individual fabric pieces you can use a string or number to specify, which piece it is (e.g. right sleeve, left sleeve, front or back) | |||
STOLL:PRODUCTION_SUB2_ID | With this ID you can further sub-classify your order. If you re-knit a piece, you can specify this via a string or number and evaluate later on, how many pieces need to be re-knitted. | |||
STOLL:OP_AUTHENTICATION_NEEDED | Determines if the user must identify himself at the machine with in case of ticket actions (loading, notify as completed) or if he has to do it with a password, as it is established in the user administration of the PPS. | |||
STOLL:ORDER_LABEL_INFO | Determines a string that is displayed in the timeline instead of the order name. | |||
STOLL:ORDER_DESCRIPTION | Free text that can be displayed in the order print preview to describe the order with more details. | |||
STOLL:ARTICLE_NUM | Text that can be used as article number | |||
STOLL:MACHINE_LIST | The tag groups the machine list. If an order is stored in the ERP\Input folder that contains a machine list and if all the specified machines are accessible, the order is automatically transferred to these machines. If one machine is missing or if it was specified erroneously, the order is not transferred and an error message is listed in the message area. This tag group must be specified in the order if the order is to be automatically transferred to a machine. All order types can be provided for the automatic transfer. | |||
STOLL:MACHINE | Machine that shall receive the order. The network name of the machine must appear in the Name attribute. The Pieces attribute determines, how many pieces from the TOTAL_NUM_OF_EXECUTIONS are to be produced by the machine. The optional BoIgnore attribute determines that this tag is not to be displayed in the Edit ticket data window in the list. The optional HighPriority="1" attribute determines the ticket to be placed at the first position. | |||
STOLL:PATTERN_FILE_NAME | Establishes the name of the pattern including the machine type (for example It is also possible to specify the name of sequences (for example DAVID_PULLOVER.seqx) This tag must be specified with an order that is to execute a pattern or a sequence. Exception: You set the DontReloadPattern tag to false. In that case any desired pattern or a sequence must already be loaded and only the piece counter is set. | |||
STOLL:PATTERN_SUBDIRECTORY | Determines the sub-directories for finding the pattern, which are required according to the Pattern basic folder that is set up in the PPS. (e.g. production\spring) This tag must be specified with an order that is to execute a pattern or a sequence. Exception: You set the DontReloadPattern tag to false. In that case any desired pattern or a sequence must already be loaded and only the piece counter is set. | |||
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STOLL:REQUIRED_SETUP_LEVELS | Groups the specifications for setting up the machine. | |||
| STOLL:SETUP | Determines the setup of the machine. If the machine covers several setups, several setups can be specified one below the other. The setup state is entered into the Level attribute. These setup numbers are stored in the PPS database and with an automated production they can be used to find a machine with an appropriate setup. | ||
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STOLL:PATTERN_PRELOAD_CONDITION | Groups settings that determine the pattern loading conditions | |||
| STOLL:ERASE_ALL | If this tag is not specified or the State attribute is set to 1, all the pattern components are deleted before loading a pattern file. With State='0' all pattern components are maintained. | ||
STOLL:ERASE_ALL_YARNCARRIERPOS | If the tag is not specified or the State attribute is set to 1, all the yarn carrier positions are deleted when loading a pattern. With State='0' all yarn carrier positions are maintained. | |||
STOLL:ERASE_ALL_SEQYARNCARRIERPOS | If the tag is not specified or the State attribute is set to 1, all the yarn carrier positions are deleted when changing a pattern in case of sequences. With State='0' all yarn carrier positions are maintained with sequences. | |||
STOLL: ERASE_ALL_YLC | If the tag is not specified or the State attribute is set to 0, the yarn length correction values are maintained. With State='1', the correction values are deleted. | |||
STOLL:LOAD_PAT_CONTAINER_COMP | This tag has three optional attributes that can be set to 0 or 1 to determine, which components from the pattern container are to be loaded. If the tag or a specification is missing or if it is 1, the component is loaded when it is present in the container.
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| STOLL:START_PROGRAM_ATLINE | When loading a ticket with a knitting function, the knitting program is started from the specified line. If this tag is missing, the program starts from line 1. | ||
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STOLL:PREEXEC_CMD_LIST | Grouping commands which are executed at the start when loading the tickets | |||
| STOLL:DIRECT_CMD | With OKC machines a direct command can be executed as it is possible at the machine via the Direct Commands mask. Details can be found in the Pocket Card. The command must be transferred in the Cmd attribute with parameter if it is necessary. Control characters in XML must be set escape characters. Special characters in XML As resulting value one obtains in the ticket:
The reason for the error can be determined via the message area of the machine. | ||
STOLL:CMD | With this tag you can execute service functions. The name of the function is to be passed within the Name attribute. Up to four parameters can be transferred via the Param1 ... Param4 attributes depending on the function. You can find an application example in the D:\PPS\SampleTickets\ServiceSettings.xml order. Via a service order in the PPS you can apply these functions in an easy way. A description of the possible functions and parameters can be found in the 2015-02-15_TechnicalReference_knitFtpCommands.pdf document in the Documents folder of your installation files. As resulting value one obtains in the ticket:
The reason for the error can be determined via the message area of the machine. The | |||
STOLL:CMD Name=‘DontReloadPattern Param1=‘[State]=[0|1]‘ | A bit different is the DontReloadPattern command since it does not represent any service function. This command has two functions and is effective if the Param1 attribute is set to 1.
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STOLL:ORDER_INFO_WEBLINK | This tag is intended for adding a link to a WEB site, which can be used in the ticket view at the machine to access this site, which offers further information regarding the order. In the StollTicketStyleSheet.xsl file this links is clickable via the Production ID field at the top left below the header. If the link is applied, the row gets underlined. For a maintenance task you can store for example technical documents and drawings, which will support the users working at the machine. To see an application example, replace the MyPpsSvr text in the D:\PPS\SampleTickets\ServiceSettings.xml ticket with the server name of your PPS and double click on this ticket and then on the link. | |||
STOLL:ACTION_DEFINITION | With this tag you can determine an action that is to be carried out when processing the order at the machine. Currently you can choose between PRINT and NONE. | |||
STOLL:MCOS_UPDATE_PATH | In case of an operating system update order the relative directory path is specified here, which follows the one that is set up in the PPS under .This tag must be specified with an operating system update order. | |||
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STOLL:CHAIN_ORDER_LEVEL | Currently this tag is not evaluated. Scheduled: Specify the priority of production in case of inter-linked orders with the same PRODUCTION_ID. | |||
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STOLL:MACHINE_INFO | Groups information that the machine enters in the ticket for the course of the ticket processing. This information is evaluated by the PPS during the Recovery and allows a recovery of the ticket state. | |||
| STOLL:TC_LOAD_DATE | Date/time will be set by the machine at the moment when the ticket is loaded. The ISO8601 format is used. | ||
STOLL:TC_DONE_TIME | Date/time will be set by the machine at the moment when the ticket is finished. The ISO8601 format is used. | |||
STOLL:DONE_EXECUTION | Specifies the number of executions.
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STOLL:TC_STATE | Specifies the processing state of the ticket:
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STOLL:PATTERN_NAME | Name of the pattern or the sequence that actually was executed. | |||
STOLL:CURRENT_SHIFT | Shift counter (1...5) at the moment when loading the ticket | |||
STOLL:USER_NAME | User signed in at the moment when loading the ticket | |||
STOLL:USER_MACHINE_NAME | Machine name | |||
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STOLL:MACHINE_CONFIG | Tag group serves for calling up information about the machine. The machine only fills out the tags that are specified. | |||
| STOLL:MACHINE_NO | The complete machine number (for example 76900100045) | ||
STOLL:MACHINE_IP | The IP address of the machine (e.g. | |||
STOLL:ONLINE_ID | The online ID | |||
STOLL:NEEDLE_GAUGE | Needle gauge (e.g. 9.2) | |||
STOLL:COMPUTER_NAME | Network name of the machine | |||
STOLL:MACHINE_TYPE | Machine type (e.g. CMS530MG) | |||
STOLL:LOGICAL_DEVICE_NAME | Is reserved for a logic computer name of the machine. | |||
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STOLL:OPERATOR_INFO | Group of information that is from and for users of the Ticket processing | |||
| STOLL:USER_TAGS | Groups the USER_TAGs | ||
STOLL:USER_TAG | Determines the information which is to be displayed in the Edit ticket data window in the list and provides the text information that was entered. The result of the tag can be preset. The Index attribute determines the position in the display list. Up to 50 of such tags can be created. |
The minimum specifications in the order are documented here:
Which tags are absolutely essential?