Orders from ERP

The task of the PPS is to increase the level of automation. To become familiar with the PPS and for specific applications, the manual creation of orders is a benefit. For mass production, get the orders automatically generated from electronically acquired data and feed them into the PPS as XML file via the D:\PPS\ERP\Input folder.

Derivate your own XML order file from a manual order

If you create an order manually, an XML file is stored with the same name with this order data in the D:\PPS\ERP\Output\manual-orders\created folder. You can use this file as example if you have to create your own XML file.
You can omit the tag blocks MACHINE_INFO and MACHINE_CONFIG. The machine will add them automatically.
If you find tag blocks (PREEXEC_CMD_LIST, PATTERN_PRELOAD_CONDITION , REQUIRED_SETUP_LEVELS, MACHINE_INFO, MACHINE_CONFIG, OPERATOR_INFO) that do not contain any further specifications you can omit them

Handling of errors in the order file

If you saved an order file in the D:\PPS\ERP\Input folder, it will be loaded by the PPS. If it is not valid, the file will be saved together with a *.cause file with the same name in the D:\PPS\ERP\Input\failed folder. The *.cause file provides hints about the error. The interpretation is not always very easy and requires XML knowledge.
An error message is entered in the message area, for which you can set up an alarm for Error during ERP import if necessary.

Specification about the machine that shall receive the order

Each order can contain a specification informing, which machine shall receive the order and how many fabrics are to be produced.

Under D:\PPS\SampleTickets\AutoProductionMin.xml you will find a complete example order with minimum data.

Completed tickets

If a machine completed a ticket and the PPS confirmed that the retrieval, this ticket is saved in the D:\PPS\ERP\Output\manual-tickets\finished folder. The ticket name always has an added hyphen with a number since an order can be distributed to different machines.

The ticket contains:

You will find a description of all tags under Stoll tags