Defining enhanced user-defined events

Beside the simple user defined events you have the possibility of defining an info event, where you can retrieve data from the user via freely configurable fields. The entered data can be stored together with the event in the database in the parameter field and can be used in separate evaluations.

Fundamental concept:

In order to use a user-defined event, the Text field of an info event must be set up applying control characters.

The first part of a Text field is used in case of a common info event. After the ### string, the control characters and corresponding data are entered. This data are not displayed in the Knit Report event mask at the machine but they are evaluated. After the ### string, the machine searches for control characters to generate a dialog based on them.

A complete parameter is determined by:

The identifier may not contain any of the control characters, semicolon or type specifications between the brackets!

The following control characters can be used:

Effect of an Info event with status:

Defined by /IT=S;

The value assigned to P1 by the user at the machine will be displayed below the Stoll logo in the title bar if it is not equal to 0 and /IT=S. This info status has priority to the user status, which is identified with a yellow exclamation mark there.

Application examples:

  1. You want to record individually the reason for the machine stops, work with PPS and tickets, set the info event number to 32766 (it can be any other number), want to record the user, automatically the Production ID from the ticket, a Stop Code and a comment. The Production ID is not to be entered if no ticket exists.
    The definition needed for this can look like this:
    Document stop reason ### /IT=S; /T=Enter stop reason; /UM=User/MCPIN[s/s,4]; /PI=Production Id[s]; /P1=Stop Code[i,4]; /C=Comment[s,100];

    Clicking on the entry in the User report event mask results in a dialog with the following look:
  2. You want to document the quality of the fabric pieces, work with PPS and tickets, set the info event number to 32767 (it can be any other number), want to record the user, a piece code for the quality, the number of pieces and a comment. The production ID is to be entered manually if no ticket is selected and the length is to be limited to 30 characters for the input. The definition needed for this can look like this:
    Document piece quality ### /IT=I; /T=Qualify produced pieces; /UM=User/MCPIN[s/s,4]; /PI=Production Id[s,30]; /P1=Pieces Code[i,4]; /P2=Quantity[i,5]; /C=Comment[s,100];

    Entry in the Text field in the User Event Administration
    Clicking on the entry in the User report event mask results in a dialog with the following look if no ticket was selected:

    - If a ticket was previously selected in the ticket processing, the Production Id of this ticket is used. To make it clear that the event (only for the /IT=I type) refers to a ticket done, the icon of tickets done appears on the left of the Production ID as it is displayed in the image above.

How to create an enhanced user-defined info event:

  1. The User Event Administration window is opened
    Select the ==> entry in the list.
    -  or  -
    Click in the # field in the editing line.
    Enter the current identification number in the editing line under #.

An error message is displayed if an identification number is assigned twice for the same language or the same type.
The error message is also displayed if the event is hidden by a filter.

    Select the desired language in the Language list field.
    If the event is to change the user-defined status, set the /IT=S parameter in the Text field,
    -  or  -
    In the Text field set the /IT=I parameter, if the event is only to be stored as information in the live database.
    Enter a meaningful text in the Text field and add the necessary control characters for the data to be queried after ###.
    Click the Apply button.
  1. The event is accepted in the list and activated. At the same time it is transferred to the machines that are activated for the evaluation in Stoll-knit report®. The transfer to the machines can take up to five minutes.