Check date and time, set time zone

    Switch on main switch.
    The BootOKCBoot window appears and simultaneously also a message indicating that time and date are not correct.
  1. 3
    Tap the OK key.
  2. The Machine Configuration window appears.
  3. 4
    Check the date (A-C) and the time (D).
    Minor corrections of the time can be carried out with the help of the arrow keys.
    Set the time zone (E) by the help of the arrow keys.
    Save the settings and return to the BootOKC window. Tap the (1) button for this.
    Tap the Restart button in the BootOKC window.
    The Reference runs window appears.

It continues with the section "Aligning knitting machine".

It continues with the section "Aligning knitting machine".