
AdditionalDevices_FournisseurLeftAvailable 左侧装有送纱器

BubbleHelp_FournisseurLeftAvailable 解锁或锁定送纱器。

Feed Wheel on the Left Present

Release or lock feed wheel

AdditionalDevices_FournisseurRightAvailable 右侧装有送纱器

BubbleHelp_FournisseurRightAvailable 解锁或锁定送纱器。

Feed Wheel on the Right Present

Release or lock feed wheel

AdditionalDevices_ClampCutPointsLeft 左侧切夹纱点数量

BubbleHelp_ClampCutPointsLeft 设置切夹纱床有多少个切夹纱点。

Quantity of Clamping and Cutting Points on the Left

After a machine conversion, inform the control unit about how many clamping/cutting points are available. (6, 8, 16, 16/8)

16/8 = With a 16 times clamping and cutting bed, only every second clamping position is used (1, 3, 5, etc.).

Use this setting with a double bow plating yarn carrier so that both yarns can be clamped and cut securely.

AdditionalDevices_ClampCutPointsRight 右侧切夹纱点数量

BubbleHelp_ClampCutPointsRight 设置切夹纱床有多少个切夹纱点。

Quantity of Clamping and Cutting Points on the Right

After a machine conversion, inform the control unit about how many clamping/cutting points are available (6, 8, 16, 16/8).

16/8 = With a 16 times clamping and cutting bed, only every second clamping position is used (1, 3, 5, etc.).

Use this setting with a double bow plating yarn carrier so that both yarns can be clamped and cut securely.

Common_YLC YLC

AdditionalDevices_Available 可用

BubbleHelp_YLCAvailable 注意:机器上配装了 YLC 装置。

YLC Present

The YLC device is present on the machine.

AuxTakeDown 辅助牵拉

AdditionalDevices_Available 可用

BubbleHelp_AuxTakeDownAvailable 注意:机器上配装了辅助牵拉装置。

Auxiliary take-down available

The auxiliary take-down is present on the machine.

Lubrication 中央润滑装置

BubbleHelp_LubricationAutomaticOnOff 激活中央润滑。

Automatic Lubricating

Activate Automatic Lubricating.

If the central lubrication is switched off you must lubricate the needle bed and jack bed manually.

IntarsiaYarnCarrierType_Type2 导纱器驱动类型 2

BubbleHelp_IntarsiaYarnCarrierTypes 设置哪个导纱器驱动单元类型可用。

Yarn Carrier Drive Type

After a machine conversion, inform the control unit which yarn carrier drive type is available.

Storage Feed Wheel

Fragment for testing whether the metadata functions

Belt Take-down

Fragment for testing whether the metadata functions

Additional needle bed left-right

Fragment for testing whether the metadata functions

Additional needle bed front-rear

Fragment for testing whether the metadata functions