Switch-off the Needle Selection

I. Switch the needle selection on or off:

  1. You are signed in as Senior Operator .
  2. A knitting program is loaded.
  3. The production was started.
    In the main navigation bar select Set-up Order.

-  or  -

    Select Produce Order in the main navigation bar.
    Tap Intervene Manually I in the bottom navigation bar.
    Switch the complete needle selection with the Needle Selection button on or off.

Needle Selection

Needle selection of the complete needle bed is switched on

Needle selection of the complete needle bed is switched off



Value range


Plating index
Defines the distance between the yarn carrier and the normal yarn insertion position in the needles and the insertion angel.


Insert Position

Horizontal panning of the insertion position (x)

  • Positive value: Following basic yarn.
    The thread is inserted in the needles later on.
    Standard: 6.5 mm
  • Negative value: Leading plating yarn
    Standard: 0 mm
  • Minimum value: -100 mm
    Maximum value: 100 mm
    Step width: 0.1 mm

YPI and YCI determine the values of insertion position and insertion angle of the autarkic yarn carriers.

These values will be added up to the corresponding maximum at the respective knitting situation.

YC / YCI (tab)


Panning in height (y)

Corrects the insertion angle

  • Positive value: Steeper yarn angle
    Standard: 0.9 mm for the following basic yarn
  • Negative value: Flatter yarn angle
  • Minimum value: -2 mm
    (ADF 2.0: -4.0mm)
    Maximum value: 5 mm
    Step width: 0.1 mm


Carriage Direction
The plating index depends on the carriage direction




ASCII characters

II. Switch on or off the needle selection of the left or right carriage:

The needle selection can be switched on or off individually for one carriage with faulty fabric pieces.

  1. You are signed in as Senior Operator .
  2. A knitting program is loaded.
  3. The production was started.
    In the main navigation bar select Set-up Order.

-  or  -

    In the main navigation bar select Produce Order.
    Tap Intervene Manually II in the bottom navigation bar.
    The needle selection can separately be switched on or off with the Left Carriage and Right Carriage buttons.

Carriage on the Left

Needle selection of left carriage is on

Needle selection of left carriage is off

Carriage on the Right

Needle selection of right carriage is on

Needle selection of right carriage is off


All needle selection settings are switched on by default.