Carry out reference runs

Two reference runs are necessary:

Icon / key


Icon Yarn carrier not referenced

Icon Yarn carrier ready to knit

Call up Main menu

Carriage reference run

  1. The carriage is located in the center of the needle bed.
                Reference runs window
  2. 1
    In the Reference run carriage field tap the SR!< key.



Danger by moving carriage!

Injuries by crushing or cutting possible.

  1. Close the covers.
    Pull up the engaging rod and release it.
  1. The carriage moves at creep speed to the left and carries out a reference run.
  2. 3
    The carriage stops automatically outside the needle bed. The engaging rod falls down.
  1. The message Reference run complete is displayed on the touch screen.

Reference run of yarn carriers

    The Reference run of yarn carriers window appears automatically.
  1. 2
    Tap on the Reference all key.
    The yarn carriers are automatically referenced consecutively rail by rail.
  2. The yarn carriers move outwards to their left and right end stops, then to the clamping position above the clamping and cutting bed.
  3. 4
    If a yarn carrier is referenced, the icon changes from Yarn carrier not referenced to Yarn carrier ready to knit.
  4. 5
    After completing the yarn carrier reference run, all the yarn carriers are ready to knit.
  5. 6
    The reference run is complete, the machine is ready to knit.
    The carriage is positioned at the right position for you to be able to load a knitting program.
  1. Call up Main menu.

Leave the machine switched on for at least 6 hours in order to charge the accumulators fully.