Operating Mode of the Machine and Knitting Program

Operating mode of the machine


There must not be a fabric in the needle bed or main take-down.

Comb function at the start of a fabric piece

  1. Clearing the needle beds (knitting without yarn carrier)
  2. Inserting the comb thread (special elastic yarn)
  3. Raising the comb to the top till the comb thread is caught by the comb hooks
  4. Closing the comb hooks
  5. Lowering the comb till the comb hooks are no longer between the needles

Casting-off function at the end of a fabric piece

The function is called-up at the end of the fabric to ensure an empty needle bed when starting the next fabric.

With the help of the counter #69 in the cast-off function, an additional standstill time (MS) can be defined in the carriage reversal.
This is necessary in certain cases to ensure the casting-off of the fabric.

Set the counter#69:

  1. You are signed in as Senior Operator .
    In the main navigation bar select the main area Set up Order.
    Tap on Prepare Machine in the bottom navigation bar.
    Open the table of the counters with the button.
    Tap on the Counter 51-99 button.
  1. The desired table is displayed
    Enter the desired value for #69.