Create an order with a knitting program

Parking position of the carriage

The parking position of the carriage is as desired!
With Start Order, the machine control ensures that the knitting program starts at the left in the carriage stroke. Empty rows may be necessary.

Before loading the pattern, the current machine state is to be checked:

Create Order

  1. You are signed in as Senior Operator .
  2. The yarn carriers are in the clamping and cutting bed.
    In the main navigation bar select the main area Set up Order.
    Tap on Edit order in the bottom navigation bar.

It must be ensured that the yarn carriers of the previous knitting program are positioned in the clamping and cutting position. For this purpose, start again the previous knitting program until the yarn carriers are clamped (S0Y).


    Then, first exit the current order with the Exit order button.
  1. In case of changes in the pattern, a prompt appears for saving the changes.
    Save changes if necessary.
    Tap the Create New Order button.
  1. The Create New Order window opens up.


Selection of the path (storage location) of the knitting program

  • Local Patterns: Folder on the hard disc of the machine
  • Network drive (only one network drive possible)
  • USB


Button for opening a folder to display the subfolders


    More in the next chapter Select knitting program.