Two variants for knitting in or out the yarn carriers of the area with selective weft yarn inlay

Weft yarn carriers are knit in or out by the Float needle action.

I. Knitting-in and out a weft yarn carrier with SJ structure:

Front stitch (SJ) only is knitted in the basic pattern next to the area with the selective weft yarn. With it, the weft yarn carrier can be knit out or in easily by the Float needle action.

  1. The basic pattern with the area for selective weft yarn is drawn and the color arrangement is created.
    Open the Yarn Field dialog box by .
    Define the desired specifications in the following columns.
    Close the dialog box.

II. I. Knitting-in and out a weft yarn carrier with structure:

A structure (e.g. border) is knitted in the basic pattern next to the area with the selective weft yarn. With it, knitting in or out the weft yarn carrier may make problems. You can fix the problem by locking the weft yarn at the border when knitting in or out.

  1. The basic pattern with the area for selective weft yarn is drawn and the color arrangement is created.
    Modify the pattern row for knitting-in:
    Draw yarn color #2 (weft yarn) on the desired quantity of needles at the fabric selvedge.
    Exchange yarn color #3 to yarn color #31 up to the start of the motif (selective weft yarn area).


Yarn color #31 up to the start of the motif with weft yarn


Yarn color #2 (weft yarn) with desired quantity of needles for locking

Example: 2 needles

    Modify the knitting-out following the same procedure.