Reference Runs

Perform the following reference runs after the installation:

  1. The Reference Machine menu is displayed.
    Tap the button or the button.
    Start the machine with the engaging rod.
  1. The message for a comb reference appears.
  2. Observe the note!!
    With the Yes button confirm the message.
  1. The comb reference is performed.
    Tap on the desired carriage direction for the reference run.
    Then, start the machine again with the engaging rod.
  1. The carriage moves at creep speed until the reference run is carried out.
  2. Racking and step motor reference is performed in the right carriage reversal.

Recommendation: Weave-in devices should be referenced as well if mounted on the machine.

    Continue with Create Order.

Jakar kırma referans hareketi

Bir iğne yatağının ilmeklerinin kapatılmış olmasına dikkat edilmelidir.