What is new in EKC V3.1?
Operating system of the machine: V_EKC_003.001.000_STOLL
Release: 02/2025
Compatible with:
- CREATE PLUS V2.8 09/2024
- CREATE LITE V2.8 09/2024
- M1plus V7.9
Stagger yarn carriers on the needle bed to mount the carriage:
Mekiği iğne yatağında derecelendir (sağ)
Mekiği iğne yatağında derecelendir (sol)
Makineyi bakıma al ->
Servis ->
Mekik ->
Conditions for switching off the machine
Combine the option x saat sonra durdurma sırasında with one of the other 3 options
Iş emrini üret ->
İş emrini denetle ->
Makineyi kapat
In the Makineyi kapat dialog box:
Makinenin durdurulacağı bir koşul seçin.
Example of a combination:
The selected waiting time is retained after a restart.
Restore Last Order
You can load the last active job after restarting or installing the operating system with the Restore Last Order
İş emrini ayarla ->
İş emrini düzenle ->
Restore Last Order
İş emri, üretim için serbest bırakılır. İş emrini operatöre aktarın, üretim başlayabilir. |
ADF 530-32 ki FLEX E7.2
Tarak aralığı ayarlama
For a unique range of knitted articles with a wide variety - Combination of different knitting techniques while improving the quality of the goods
- Open the needle beds before cast-off
- Reduce the needle bed gap for tight net rows
- Optimized spacing for gores, multi gauge areas and multiple plating
- knitrobotic® function with an optimal opening of the needle beds for inserts
Tarak aralığı ayarlama
Tarak aralığı ayarı -
- Use the arrow keys to move to different positions.
- Individually to:
- Arka iğne yatağı:
- Ön iğne yatağı:
- Sintral: NBD=n-m
- n = front needle bed
- m = rear needle bed
- Value range: 0.00-10.00 mm
- Example:
30 << S:R-0; Y:0; NBD=2.20-3.50 S1 S2 S3
- Adjust Needle Bed Distance
- Adjust Needle Bed Distance
Clip Tip at Autarkic Yarn Carriers
One yarn carrier for all the yarns
- 3 Clip Tips for the different yarn thickness
- E 5
- E 10 – E 14
- E 16 – E 20
- Easily to exchange at the mounted yarn carrier
- Tool delivered as accessory
- Adjusting lever with tab
- Threading Aid
- Threading-up the ADF Yarn Carriers
- Bypass Mounting Kit (special attachment)
- Bypass on the right ID 4200323125
- Bypass on the left ID 4200323145
Vertical movement of the autarkic yarn carriers
- Enhanced value range -4.0 .. 5.0 of the vertical yarn carrier movement (up and down)
- Machine-dependent value ranges in the YPI (sekme)
- ADF (855)
- ADF (856)
- ADF (857)
- With Clip Yarn Carriers
Presser Foot Type 10A
- W machines of gauge E10.2 k&w
- For use in double jersey knitting areas without effective take-down
- Deflecting curve on the left-hand side
- Long foot on the right-hand side
- ID 4200306849, Typ 010
Configure knitting systems
- Cam Box Configuration shows the equipment of the respective knitting cam.
- Change the Cam Box Configuration:
You can configure changed cams via Restart & Configuration or Installation & Configuration.
- 1
Start Machine /
Optional Features / Cam Box Configuration
Diğer bilgiler
- ------------------------------------------------------------
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