Save the order with a knitting program

When saving an order a new file is always created with the xxx .seqx extension.

Saving an order with a knitting program:

  1. You are signed in as Senior Operator .
    In the main navigation bar select the main area Set up Order.
    Tap on Edit order in the bottom navigation bar.
    Then press the Save button for saving.
  1. The Save order window is opened


Select location

  • Local Patterns: Hard disc of the machine
  • Network drive


Display of the name for the order file (seqx), which can be changed via the keyboard.
Default setting: Name of the knitting program

: For orders with only one knitting program, the original name of the knitting program (zip file) is to be maintained, since with a modification also
the zip file will be renamed!!


Save the order under the entered name


Cancel process

    Select location.
    Enter the desired name for the order file.


For orders with only one knitting program, the original name of the program (zip file) is to be maintained, since the zip file is also renamed in case of renaming!!

    With the Save button perform the operation.
  1. In the specified location a seqx file with its zip file of the same name is created with the defined name.