Produce Order

Theo giõi đơn hàng

  • Production data of the entire order and the current position (knitting program)
    Run time, production progress, remaining run time
  • Re-knitting of fabrics
  • Stopping of the machine when the set condition is fulfilled.
  • Switching off of the machine when the set condition is fulfilled.

Monitor Order

Theo giõi Sản xuất

  • Production data of the current position (knitting program)
  • Re-knitting of fabrics
  • Display of the current settings

Monitor Production

Chỉnh sửa vé

From the PPS system, the machine receives one or more tickets to produce them.

Condition: The Quản Lý Sản Xuất function is switched on.

Cấu hình máy -> Cài đặt Hệ thống -> Quản lý Dữ liệu -> Quản Lý Sản Xuất

Edit Ticket

Can thiệp thủ công I

  • Execute smaller operations or interventions at the machine
  • Switch on and off aggregates

Intervene Manually I

Intervene Manually II

Can thiệp Thủ công II