Alarm system

As user of the STOLL PPS you will be notified in real time about important events in the current production or about the devices that are involved in the production; online during the operation and offline via e-mail or SMS. This way you can react faster and more reliable to the deviations in the production and also send success or other feed back messages faster to your customers. Additionally, repairs can be ordered faster to be quickly operational again.

Within a report subscription - according to your role and need for information - you can determine yourself about which events you want to be informed.

The alarm system informs about a large number of events that are recognized in the STOLL PPS. The PPS differentiates between machine and order events as well as others.

The following machine and other events can be subscribed to:

The following order events can be subscribed to:

All events are output in the message area and can be viewed there. Certain messages contain threshold values, which can be established globally for the STOLL PPS.

Configuration of Threshold Values

Additionally, as STOLL PPS user you can configure your own alarm messages, individually important messages can be filtered and processed.