Editing a device type

The Machine manager or Administrator can create a device type.
Only device types of third-party manufacturers or Stoll machine types created by you are editable.
The STOLL device types that are also delivered can only be viewed.
If in the SNS there is specified a Type ID for a device, but in the PPS is no suited device type, a basic type is created when importing this device, which can be completed with further details.

Editing a device type:

    Click Configuration in the main menu.
    Click on the Device types tab.
  1. The device type list appears.
    Select the desired device type in the device type list (1).
  1. On the right appears an empty mask with the data of the selected device type.

  2. 4
    Fill in the fields (2) Type name, Type, Mc class and if needed further fields.
    (mandatory fields are marked with a *)
    Enter the measure specifications in cm.

If it is not about a Stoll machine:

The list of edit boxes is then extended by another field.

If it is about a Stoll machine:

The list of edit boxes is then extended by more fields.
As you fill out the fields refer to an existing type of a Stoll machine.

    Enter the weight in kg
    Click the Save button.
  1. The device type data record is created or saved.

An image can be allocated to the device type.
The image is used in the device management.
Assign image to device type
