What is new in EKC V3.1?

Operating system of the machine: V_EKC_003.001.000_STOLL

Release: 02/2025

Compatible with:

Stagger yarn carriers on the needle bed to mount the carriage:

Conditions for switching off the machine

Combine the option con parada después de x horas with one of the other 3 options

Producir pedido -> Controlar pedido -> Desconectar máquina

In the Desconectar máquina dialog box:

Seleccione una condición con la cual la máquina se debe parar.

Example of a combination:

The selected waiting time is retained after a restart.

Controlar pedido

Restore Last Order

You can load the last active job after restarting or installing the operating system with the Restaurar pedido último button.

Ajustar pedido -> Editar pedido -> Restaurar pedido último

Iniciar la producción

El pedido es liberado para la producción.

Entregue el pedido al Operator, la producción puede comenzar.

ADF 530-32 ki FLEX E7.2
Desplazamiento de las fonturas

Clip Tip at Autarkic Yarn Carriers

One yarn carrier for all the yarns

  • 3 Clip Tips for the different yarn thickness
    • E 5
    • E 10 – E 14
    • E 16 – E 20
  • Easily to exchange at the mounted yarn carrier
  • Tool delivered as accessory
  • Bypass Mounting Kit (special attachment)
    • Bypass on the right ID 4200323125
    • Bypass on the left ID 4200323145

Vertical movement of the autarkic yarn carriers

  • Enhanced value range -4.0 .. 5.0 of the vertical yarn carrier movement (up and down)
  • Machine-dependent value ranges in the YPI (ficha)
    • ADF (855)
    • ADF (856)
    • ADF (857)
    • With Clip Yarn Carriers

Presser Foot Type 10A

  • W machines of gauge E10.2 k&w
  • For use in double jersey knitting areas without effective take-down
    • Deflecting curve on the left-hand side
    • Long foot on the right-hand side
    • ID 4200306849, Typ 010

Configure knitting systems

You can configure changed cams via Restart & Configuration or Installation & Configuration.

    Start Machine / Optional Features / Configuración de cerrojo

Configuración de cerrojo
