Assignment of production devices
Not PPS enabled devices cannot directly receive an order ticket. With the current PPS version, these devices can only be recorded in a passive way and controlled via routing slips.
- To be able to assign an order to a device, it must be created as production device in the SNS.
How to Add a Production Device (PD) - After a maximum of 10 minutes you can import the device into the PPS.
Import devices from the SNS into the STOLL PPS management - If necessary, you can complete the device type information.
Editing a device type - The device can be included in the floor plan as a STOLL machine.
Placing the devices on the floor plan - In the order scheduling you will see the device in the machine list. You can select it as a STOLL machine and assign orders.
Order scheduling - You can view the order in the ticket view and print out routing slips as with a STOLL machine.
Display / print order - Once the order is completed or you receive information about the progress, e.g. via a returned routing slip, for orders that were assigned only to one production device, you can withdraw the order, open the properties of the order and edit the data. After entering the data, you release the order.
Reedit order - You can exit the order prematurely.
Exit an order or orders prematurely